Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Community Heritage Grant 2015

I am pleased to advise that we have been successful in our application for a grant of $6127 to undertake a Preservation Needs Assessment of the Launceston Mechanics' Institute collection. 
This year's round of Community Heritage Grants were announced in Canberra last night and a full list may be viewed at;
The National Library's media release may be found at;
Tasmanian supporters will be pleased to see that it was a bumper year for the state with a total of seven grants awarded to Tasmanian organisations.
NLA's wonderful Community Heritage Grants program has funded 338 preservation needs assessments (PNA)s, (previously called preservation surveys). In each case, an external consultant was appointed to conduct the PNA. The aim of a PNA is to look at the physical condition of a collection, the suitability of current housing and storage facilities and to make recommendations for the development of a conservation program.
Negotiations are under way with an exceptionally well-qualified consultant to undertake the Preservation Needs Assessment on our behalf, including a site visit before the end of the year.

Peter Richardson